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The 4th Annual Livingston Beer Festival Weekend
Friday 3rd April at 7.30pm to Sunday 5th April at 12.00am

beerfestivalbanner 2 2015 It's time for the 4th Annual Livingston Beer Festival!!  You're chance to sample some of the finest beers that local and independant brewerys and micro brewerys can offer. The event will start on the evening of Friday 3rd April at 7.30pm and run through until late on the Sunday 5th April  The Friday night will be a a pre-purchased ticket only night, whilst Saturday and Sunday will be open days. Tickets for the Friday, priced £20, which will include commemerative glass, food and drink will be sold on a first come first served basis, and is limited in numbers.  Saturday and Sunday will be priced at £5, for which you will get a Commemerative Glass and a free pint.

Watch this space for the list of Beers that will be available, as we are releasing that information soon.  Currently we are looking at around 13 beers, including for the first time this year a guest cider.   

Also note that you can come along on the Saturday and Sunday and not take part in the Beer festival, but simply soak up the atmosphere and enjoy a range of other drinks available at our normal Bar.
